August is prime vacation time in these parts, those parts being along the Upper Mississippi River, so what better time to feature songs that celebrate the good times to be had along the river? We’ll start with one of my personal favorites, Mississippi Mud, by Hank Williams III. There was a time not too long ago when I wouldn’t go near country music of any kind, except maybe classic Johnny Cash. My how I’ve changed.  I’ve gotten hooked on a lot of classic country as well contemporary country that is rooted in those older sounds. Hank III fits the latter category, while his grandfather set the standard for classic country. Something sure went horribly wrong with the generation in between, though. Anyway, feel free to kick off your shoes and get down and dirty in that Mississippi Mud. You can find this song on Hank III’s 2002 CD called Lovesick, Broke, & Driftin’.