Episode 57: Holding Back the Waters: The Upper Mississippi Flood of 1965

In April 1965, the Upper Mississippi River surged to heights never before recorded, threatening to swallow entire towns whole. This episode plunges you into the chaos as the perfect storm—deep snowpack, torrential rain, and frozen ground—transformed America's greatest river into an unstoppable force. Journey from the imperiled bridges of Minneapolis to the desperate fight

By |2025-03-04T14:20:17-05:00February 26th, 2025|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 57: Holding Back the Waters: The Upper Mississippi Flood of 1965

Episode 41: A Refuge for All: 100 Years of Conservation and Recreation at the Upper Mississippi Refuge

This year marks a major milestone, not just along the Mississippi but for conservation efforts across the United States. In June, the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge will celebrate its 100th anniversary. In this episode, I talk with Sabrina Chandler, Refuge Manager and Hallie Shulz, Visitor Services Manager about the past, present

By |2024-05-23T16:34:55-05:00May 22nd, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 41: A Refuge for All: 100 Years of Conservation and Recreation at the Upper Mississippi Refuge

Episode 19: Revisiting the Legacy of the Marquette and Jolliet Expedition 350 Years On

On May 17, 1673—350 years ago—Louis Jolliet and Father Jacques Marquette began an epic trip from the Great Lakes through Wisconsin and down the Mississippi River, one that would prove to be enormously consequential for European colonial ambitions and for the lives of indigenous people in the region. In this episode, I talk with

By |2024-01-03T12:28:18-05:00May 17th, 2023|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 19: Revisiting the Legacy of the Marquette and Jolliet Expedition 350 Years On

An Immigrant Orphan and His Overachieving Family

Gerhard Gesell emigrated to the US from Germany in 1863, an orphan eager to start a new life. He was the first generation in a family of high achievers in the United States. Patriarch Gerhard was a gifted photographer; son Arnold was a well-known child psychologist; and grandson Gerhard a respected federal judge. Their

By |2019-04-01T17:58:14-05:00March 30th, 2019|Characters|Comments Off on An Immigrant Orphan and His Overachieving Family

Enduring Benefits of the CCC and WPA

In 1932, the US Gross National Product dropped a record 13% and nearly one-quarter of the adult population was unemployed; in three years 40% of American banks had failed. In the first few weeks after his inauguration in March 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt launched a series of ambitious public works programs to get people

By |2018-12-21T15:00:06-05:00April 9th, 2016|About the Mississippi Valley|Comments Off on Enduring Benefits of the CCC and WPA
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