Mississippi River History and Travel

The Mississippi River cuts a 2,300-mile course through the heart of the United States and a deep path through the imaginations of people around the world. I’ve been getting to know this river and its people for over a decade. I read about it; I listen to stories; and I experience it for myself from the tops of bluffs and the seats of canoes.

It’s an immense river, with a history to match. Much of the lore is about the big events—the Civil War, steamboat races, epic floods—but the lure is the little things: migrating tundra swans; mist rising from the backwaters in fall; thick carpets of lotus and lilies; a summer sunset of pale golden light spilling across the faces of yellow limestone bluffs.

Whether you live next to the river or are visiting, the Mississippi has much to offer. Along the river, you’ll find friendly small towns and big city culture. The Mississippi is great for boating of all kinds, including paddling in canoes and kayaks. The fishing and hunting is good, and there are plenty of parks and quiet places to hike and camp or just to watch the sunset.

Above all, the Mississippi is your river, whoever you are and wherever you live. Come along with me and get to know your river a little better.

Fire up your Harley, drop the top on your convertible, lace up your hiking boots, push your kayak into the water, or hop on your bicycle. There’s no single way to experience the Mississippi. What are you waiting for? Let’s get going.

You’ll find a lot about the river on this site, including facts about the Mississippi (like its length and depth and major floods), river town histories with travel tipsphoto galleries, and music inspired by the Mississippi. If you want to go deeper, you can browse feature articles or buy books about the river. Just follow the links below or use the search box above to go directly to what you’re looking for. Enjoy!

Community-supported writing

If you like the content at the Mississippi Valley Traveler, please consider showing your support. I need your help to keep this going. Every dollar you contribute makes it possible for me to continue sharing stories about America’s Greatest River!

Discover a River Town

Mississippi River towns aren’t like other places. Read through these profiles and discover what makes them unique.


Want to go deeper into the world of the Mississippi River? Check out the Mississippi Valley Traveler podcast hosted by Dean Klinkenberg. Each episode explores the rich and diverse history, culture, food, people, and travel experiences along the Great River.

Frank Dodge Mysteries

Writer Frank Dodge for a gift for getting in trouble.

Mississippi River Guide Books

Whether your’re traveling by car or by armchair, a Mississippi Valley Traveler guide book shows you the river like no other guide.

Speaking Tours

Bring the Mississippi Valley Traveler to your community for talks about history and getting to know the river.

Mississippi Valley Traveler

Who is this guy and why does he spend so much time along the Mississippi River?

Our Mississippi River

Brief stories from people along the Mississippi about what the river means to them and why they keep coming back.

Photo Galleries

Photos of pretty places, fascinating people, and unique festivals along the Mississippi River.


Facts About the Mississippi River

How much do you know about the Mississippi River?

Mississippi River Music

How many songs are there about the Mississippi River? Check out the list and listen to some river tunes.


Feature Articles

In-depth stories about the people and places of the Mississippi River Valley.


Stories about the joys (and embarrassments) of life on the road and the river.

Community-supported writing

If you like the content at the Mississippi Valley Traveler, please consider showing your support by making a one-time contribution or by subscribing through Patreon. Book sales don’t fully cover my costs, and I don’t have deep corporate pockets bankrolling my work. I’m a freelance writer bringing you stories about life along the Mississippi River. I need your help to keep this going. Every dollar you contribute makes it possible for me to continue sharing stories about America’s Greatest River!

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