Episode 55: Uncharted Currents: Jon Kukuk on Growing Up in a Small Town Next to the Mississippi River

You may never have heard of Dallas City, Illinois, but to the folks who grew up there, Dallas City was idyllic. The town had a small but diverse business community. Crime was rare and mostly petty stuff. The local streams, creeks, and woods fed a child’s curiosity. And the biggest playground, the Mississippi, challenged

By |2025-02-10T15:12:37-05:00January 29th, 2025|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 55: Uncharted Currents: Jon Kukuk on Growing Up in a Small Town Next to the Mississippi River

Episode 46: When Change is Possible: General John A. Logan’s Journey from Defending Slavery to Advocating for Equal Rights

John A. Logan grew up in a well-to-do household in Murphysboro, Illinois, in the years before the Civil War. He had political ambitions early, maybe even from the moment he took his first breath, but the trajectory of his career took some remarkable turns. In this episode, I talk with Betsy Brown and Laura

By |2024-08-03T17:37:45-05:00July 31st, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 46: When Change is Possible: General John A. Logan’s Journey from Defending Slavery to Advocating for Equal Rights

Episode 41: A Refuge for All: 100 Years of Conservation and Recreation at the Upper Mississippi Refuge

This year marks a major milestone, not just along the Mississippi but for conservation efforts across the United States. In June, the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge will celebrate its 100th anniversary. In this episode, I talk with Sabrina Chandler, Refuge Manager and Hallie Shulz, Visitor Services Manager about the past, present

By |2024-05-23T16:34:55-05:00May 22nd, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 41: A Refuge for All: 100 Years of Conservation and Recreation at the Upper Mississippi Refuge

East Alton

Population (2010) 6,301 Introduction East Alton became a community primarily because of railroads and a large ammunition plant. The railroad tracks still carve up the city (which side of the tracks did you grow up on?), and that ammunition plant is still around, too. History

By |2024-05-26T15:43:36-05:00December 26th, 2018|Illinois|Comments Off on East Alton

Wood River

Population (2010) 10,657 Introduction Located along Refinery Row, Wood River is also near the location where the Lewis and Clark expedition wintered in 1803-04 before ascending the Missouri River. History Before Europeans began moving into the area, this part of Illinois was home to a

By |2024-05-26T15:44:53-05:00December 21st, 2018|Illinois|Comments Off on Wood River


Population (2010) 1,429 Introduction Hartford is another community that sprang up largely because of a single industry, but it also has a couple of good reasons to stop in for a visit. History The place where the village of Hartford is today had few residents

By |2024-05-26T15:46:12-05:00December 19th, 2018|Illinois|Comments Off on Hartford
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