Episode 57: Holding Back the Waters: The Upper Mississippi Flood of 1965

In April 1965, the Upper Mississippi River surged to heights never before recorded, threatening to swallow entire towns whole. This episode plunges you into the chaos as the perfect storm—deep snowpack, torrential rain, and frozen ground—transformed America's greatest river into an unstoppable force. Journey from the imperiled bridges of Minneapolis to the desperate fight

By |2025-03-04T14:20:17-05:00February 26th, 2025|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 57: Holding Back the Waters: The Upper Mississippi Flood of 1965

Episode 16: Winona’s Unique Community of Floating Houses

Just across the main channel of the Mississippi River from downtown Winona, Minnesota, you’ll find a unique community of folks who live intimately with the river. Dozens of boathouses line the eastern shore of Latsch Island, and many of them are home to people who live there year-round. In this episode of the Mississippi

By |2023-03-27T16:41:16-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 16: Winona’s Unique Community of Floating Houses

Let’s Rendezvous!

Back when fur trading was still a big deal, like from the 17th century to early in the 19th century, trappers, traders, Native Americans, and soldiers gathered once or twice a year to swap goods and stories. While the reasons for those annual meetings are long gone, the ritual is being kept alive by a

By |2017-11-02T20:27:05-05:00June 9th, 2015|Of Festivals|Comments Off on Let’s Rendezvous!

Destination of the Day: Great Dakota Gathering

Dancing Feet For the past several years, Dakota of Minnesota have gathered for a weekend of education, reconciliation, and dancing in Winona. This year's Great Dakota Gathering takes on extra significance as 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the Dakota conflict, a tragic series of events that left several hundred settlers dead, 38

By |2016-10-21T15:28:46-05:00September 10th, 2012|Destination of the Day|Comments Off on Destination of the Day: Great Dakota Gathering

Destination of the Day: Lakeview Drive Inn (Winona, MN)

Summer is almost here (here in St. Louis it feels like it has already arrived), so it's no wonder I've been thinking about burgers and car hops. If you are near Winona, you can do more than think about it. The Lakeview Drive Inn has been keeping Winona residents sated on fresh grilled burgers and

By |2016-10-21T15:28:56-05:00May 7th, 2012|Destination of the Day|Comments Off on Destination of the Day: Lakeview Drive Inn (Winona, MN)

These Riverfronts Need Help

A couple of weeks ago I praised the cities along the Upper Mississippi River with the the best riverfronts. Now it’s time to prod the cities that could do a lot better. I resisted calling these the “Five Worst” because I think any place that provides a decent view of the Mississippi River shouldn’t be

By |2016-10-21T15:29:01-05:00November 30th, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|3 Comments
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