Budget Travel Magazine Names Greatest Riverfront Towns

Budget Travel put out another one of those silly articles that national magazines specialize in, the kind where they pick the 11 (that number is surprisingly common) best of something or other in the whole country: The 11 Best Honeymoon Locales for your Second Marriage! The 11 Most Gecko-Friendly Hotels! The 11 Most Shallow Travel

By |2018-01-18T14:44:37-05:00June 3rd, 2012|About the Mississippi Valley|Comments Off on Budget Travel Magazine Names Greatest Riverfront Towns

Iowa’s Skuzzy River Towns

Last week, The Atlantic published an opinion piece about life in Iowa written by New Jersey-born Stephen G. Bloom, I had a hard time getting through the whole article, because I don’t generally read fiction, especially when it is cloaked as respectable reporting.

By |2016-10-21T15:29:01-05:00December 15th, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|14 Comments

These Riverfronts Need Help

A couple of weeks ago I praised the cities along the Upper Mississippi River with the the best riverfronts. Now it’s time to prod the cities that could do a lot better. I resisted calling these the “Five Worst” because I think any place that provides a decent view of the Mississippi River shouldn’t be

By |2016-10-21T15:29:01-05:00November 30th, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|3 Comments

The Best Riverfronts along the Mississippi

I get around. I’ve visited every Mississippi River town from the Headwaters in northern Minnesota to Cape Girardeau, Missouri. One trend that I see is that, after a century of river towns turning their backs on their river, many are slowly pivoting back to their watery roots. But, a few towns are doing it much

By |2018-01-18T15:24:00-05:00November 8th, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|Comments Off on The Best Riverfronts along the Mississippi
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