Wild Rice, Part 2: Processing and Eating

When the Headwaters Dam Project was completed in the early 20th century, water levels went up on many lakes in northern Minnesota, including big ones like Cass and Winnibigoshish. The dams were supposed to increase the depth of the Mississippi River south of St. Paul to improve navigation for bigger boats during low water

By |2021-06-18T07:36:13-05:00October 30th, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|Comments Off on Wild Rice, Part 2: Processing and Eating

Wild Rice, Part 1: Harvesting

It’s the last day of August, but it feels more like October. The sky is a monotonous grey, and the air has barely warmed above 65° F (18° C); with the light breeze and intermittent mist, I’m wishing I had a sweater. In spite of the clouds and moisture, I’m about to get in

By |2021-06-18T07:17:28-05:00October 3rd, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|Comments Off on Wild Rice, Part 1: Harvesting

Road Trips are Still a Bargain

The average family vacation cost around $1600 in 2010 according to AAA and Money Magazine. If you are planning on driving for your vacation, how will the rising cost of gasoline hurt your plans? Here’s some math for ya: If you drive a vehicle that averages 20 miles per gallon, an increase in the price

By |2016-10-21T15:29:06-05:00May 13th, 2011|About the Mississippi Valley|Comments Off on Road Trips are Still a Bargain
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